Week 3 – Feeling the wind in my sails

Well we started this week windy and finished windy, I really I hate wind. Another good week overall, after the first couple weeks of 60 miles and feeling comfortable, I upped it to clock 68 this week and feeling stronger every day – except for the days where I felt weaker. The plan seems to be working well for me so far, I’m recovering well between hard sessions but still need to be cautious of overdoing it, listening to my body and taking recoveries/rests when I feel necessary.

Sunday – 18m Long Run
I managed to sluggishly haul my arse out of bed at 8:15am this morning despite being out galavanting until the shocking time of 12:30am the night before. It was the morning after one of my best mates stag parties in Galway, 2 nights of moderate debauchery to run out of my system and as if that wasn’t enough I had to run against what was probably the strongest headwind I’ve encountered but then again it’s the west coast of Ireland, and January. When I eventually got back I saw there were 120km gust warnings on the news, glad to be alive I thought. Anyway long story short, I got her done, the pace was extremely skewed with all the windy madness, it didn’t really matter but I clocked an average 8:05 min/mile which isn’t too shabby when the breeze is factored in.

I trundled out of the city battling the elements, past Salthill alongside the grey skied coast with the waves brutally abusing the rocky coastline, what a nasty morning. As for the handful of other runners I encountered, our disillusioned nods almost mutually agreed “What the hell are we doing”. I headed on into the sleepy village of Barna and suddenly at mile 7 I found myself on the brink of Connemara again. Those distinct rugged stone walls and undulating green almost brought a tear to my eye although that was most likely wind tears. At that point the wind just completely took the piss and almost swept me off to Kansas. I could have been moving backwards I’m not sure, certainly not forwards anyway. I decided to turn around, head back and try  fit in an extra 4 miles along the way home. Once I turned I was sent barrelling down the path like a rag-doll on red bull, pace suddenly skyrocketing with effort remaining unchanged. When I got back into Barna, I took a left turn and headed into the countryside for 2 miles and back, wind gratefully subsiding for a while. From Barna back to the Imperial hotel on Eyre’s square was another 6 miles. I can’t remember the last stretch really, I was just thinking about a nice greasy fry, a hot coffee and why sharks swim so fast. I was relieved to make it back in just under 2 and a half hours, 18 miles in the bag, feeling good and breakfast was just as delicious as my thoughts. On with the week!

Monday – 10m Steady
My right foot has been worrying me the last few days as it sometimes pains when I walk and I felt bouts of it yesterday during the long run, been ongoing for almost 2 weeks. I ended up googling the symptoms last night to find out it was a case of metatarsaglia which is a funny word but not so funny when it sidelines you for being an idiot. It seems to be have caused by the myriad of footwear I’ve been using – the racers which seem to have too much room and less stability, the Sauconys which are almost too tight and then there’s my battered Asics GT3000’s which are jussssst right (got me through Barcelona) so I wore them today and pain was nonexistent. Even walking around afterwards since it’s been (mostly) fine so I’m not sure maybe it’s just healed due to my googling of the symptoms, always google the symptoms. Anyway let’s talk about the session, after a nice sleep in until 11am (yep still jobless) I headed down towards the prom, warmed up for 2 miles getting my pace down to a 7 min/mile. Dependant on how my foot felt I was either going to run easy or the usual session but it felt fine so I ran the next 6 miles between 6:30 and 6:40 min/mile pace which felt moderately comfortable. A pretty messy route, running up and down the promenade a few times, around the town bumping into innocent pedestrians while trying to work out how I’ll do 10 miles. I got it done with no complaints and I ate about 14 mini flapjacks after it, not relevant to training but you gotta reward yourself.

Tuesday – 6 x 1 mile (10m)
I was all kitted up and ready to head out the door at around 10am this morning (early riser) when I suddenly heard that dreaded beep beep beep beep. Uh oh, Mr.Garmin looks like he’s running low on fuel, how low? 0%!! Flipping flip flops! I kind of needed it today since its mile repeats so I had to sit down and wait a whole 40 minutes for it to recharge itself enough to get me through the session, pain in the backside. I finally headed off for my 2 mile warmup into town and out the  hard shoulder of the Wexford road where the land lies flat and the cars drive fast. Todays plan was originally down for 8 x 1 mile but I reduced this down to 6.  For my last mile repeats session I did 4 reps so this was a sensible progression thought I was tempted to do 8. The plan was to keep them all between 6:06 and 6:18. Based on my current times, this range is what the McMillan calculator recommends and it sounds about right, close to my 1/2 marathon pace. Effort-wise it felt much improved today compared to the last 4 x 1 mile session, the 90 second recovery seemed to be plenty as I started each rep strongly. The splits were 6:09, 6:13, 6:13, 6:16, 6:13, 6:13 – pretty satisfactory. I finished with a 2 mile cool-down back home and downed a hearty smoothie of banana, pear and protein, that’ll do. Foam rolling in the evening.

Wednesday – 6m Recovery
A much needed recovery day today after a few heavy sessions. Essentially an easy 6 mile trot around the town at around 8:20 min/mile pace but leaping leopards did my legs feel heavy and tired. I did get to wave at a few people so that was also nice. Later on that day and unrelated to training, I experimented with some coconut flour & protein pancakes and found this recipe worked well, I added protein and substituted xylitol for coconut nectar, what’s xylitol? google it. I did some core and strength work later on in the evening in front of a warm fire which was not a good idea but look it, I’ll live.

Thursday 30/01 – 12m Steady
Good old jog today, a fresh misty morning but only moderately cold so no complaints and off I sauntered into the wilderness of the Enniscorthy countryside. Only one dog barked at me, what a result! 2 mile warmup followed by a comfortable enough 9 miles @ 7 min/mile pace and a mile warm-down, feeling my fitness (and confidence) improve with every run and recovering well in between sessions.

Friday 31/01 – Rest
No running today but headed down to Whites of Wexford town for a gym and swim. Weights sessions & core for an hour and then a light swim. Happy birthday to mammy also.

Saturday 01/02 – 14m 
Goodbye January blues, hello February purples. A good month back into the running and so I started February with a comfortable 12 mile, same route as Thursday. Lucky for me I was in the south east and not the wild west this morning, I heard some horrific tales on the radio but there were a few leftovers of the storm hanging around here. It got breezy at times but it’s a lot worse outside now as I write this from the comfort of the Cotton Tree cafe, mmm fry and coffee . Anyway felt pretty strong today, eased into a 7:30-7:40 min/mile pace after a 2 mile warmup and kept it going steadily, I thought about many things but I can’t remember any of them now. Tomorrow comes my first 20 miler so plenty of rest for the remainder of the day.

Week total: 68 miles



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